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Delta English School



Student safety on campus and at school-related activities is yet another priority of DES. Momentum Security, features trained security personnel who are responsible for the safety and security of students, staff, building, and grounds. They work very closely together with the DES administration in a separate yet collaborative manner. Although a safety protocol has been implemented, the parent’s cooperation is essential to ensure enhanced safety of their ward.


1. For the safety of those within the school and to avoid disruption of instructional time, DES requires that every individual must first check-in at the Information Desk if they intend meeting with any DES department / staff.

2. Upon checking-in at the Information Desk, the individual should sign-in the Visitor’s Log and obtain a Visitor’s Label which they should clearly display for verification at any time while on campus. Failure to comply with the above will result in receiving a denial from the department the individual intends to visit.

3. Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time are not permitted.

4. All individuals visiting the DES campus are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy and conduct. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and violators will be asked to leave the campus or will be escorted off premises by Momentum Security.


Parents should not encourage their wards bringing items such as play toys, caps, garments that does not comply with DGC, radios, CD players, tape recorders, cameras, cellular phones, gaming devices, electronic-based toys, or sharp objects to school. Such items detected by DES staff/Momentum Security, will be confiscated and will not be returned to the student under any circumstance.


1. All deliveries (lunch, stationary, etc) made to students, by parents, should be via the Information Desk.

2. At the Information Desk, parents / guardians must complete and submit the Delivery Request form prior to any item delivery.

3. Parents are not permitted to hand over any item directly to any DES staff without fulfilling the above requirement.


1. For the safety of the students and the campus, a video surveillance has been placed by Momentum Security. This will monitor student behavior in various parts of the campus.

2. Routine campus searches will be conducted by Momentum Security with no requirement for notifying the parents prior to these investigations. This is to fulfill the obligation to maintain a peaceful and orderly environment.

3. DES may review the surveillance video, document any observations, and report to authorities if necessary.

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